Our structured price plan is designed to meet the needs of our customers in all circumstances.
It doesn’t matter how quickly you need your order, we are able to cooperate with you and provide you with high quality work. Order prices vary depending on how urgent your deadline is. Save extra 10% on each and every order by receiving 300 words/page instead of 275 words/page offered by most of the essay writing websites.
Our guarantees
- Every paper we provide is free of plagiarism and will include a free bibliography, formatting, revisions, references, research work, and a title page.
- If you are dissatisfied with certain discrepancies in your paper, we will be happy to revise it for you for free within 2 days (48 hours).
- Every paper is written by our team of researchers and a writer.
- You will receive your paper according to the deadline.
- Our customer care service is always available to assist you.
- We will never disclose your personal information to any third party.
- You will receive a completely original paper from us that will never be resold or reused for other clients.
- Your assignment will be created by following your requirements precisely.
- You are always going to be pleased with your decision to order from our company!
VIP Services
- Order prepared by top 10 writers – $10.95
- VIP Support – $11.55
- Order proofread by editor – $2.40
- Extended revision – $2.00
- SMS notifications – $3.00
- Additional plagiarism check – $3.00
Try our VIP services or become our VIP client, benefit from the incredible opportunity at a very reasonable price.
Limited time offer – order our VIP package with 30% discount.
Credit/Debit Cards
We accept a variety of credit/debit cards including: American Express, Diner Club, Discover, MasterCard, Visa, and Visa Electron.
We also will take payment in the form of prepaid cards which can be purchased from most major stores. If you don’t have a credit or debit card, you can easily pay for your order by purchasing a prepaid card.